WhatsApp has recently developed the ‘Username PIN’ feature in the iOS beta version, designed to strengthen privacy and security. As WhatsApp continues to prioritize convenience for its users, this feature promises to improve the overall experience by adding an extra layer of protection.
In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at how this new feature enhances your WhatsApp usage and helps safeguard your account. With the growing emphasis on security, this feature offers a valuable tool for users looking to protect their conversations.
WhatsApp has developed a new feature called ‘Username PIN’ in iOS beta version?
WhatsApp is testing a new feature called “Username PIN” in its iOS beta version. This feature, designed to improve security, allows users to set a PIN to protect their username.
When contacting someone for the first time via their username, the PIN will be required, enhancing privacy by controlling who can reach out to you. This feature is still being developed and will be rolled out in a future update. Along with this, other improvements include video calling enhancements and better privacy settings
How will WhatsApp username pin work?
Set PIN: Users will create a PIN to secure their username.
PIN Protection: A PIN will be required when someone tries to contact you using your username for the first time.
Enhancing Privacy: This feature prevents unauthorized users from messaging you.
Gradual Rollout: Available initially in iOS beta, with plans for broader release.
Benefits of WhatsApp Username PIN Feature
- Prevents unknown users from initiating conversations by securing your username with a PIN.
- Offers more control over who can contact you through your username.
- Protects users from potential spam and unwanted messages.
- Users can confidently share their usernames without worrying about unsolicited messages.
How to Use WhatsApp Username PIN
To use the WhatsApp Username PIN feature, users will first need to ensure they have the beta version of the app installed on their iOS device. Once the feature is available to them, they can follow a simple process to activate it:
- Open WhatsApp and go to the Settings menu.
- Find the option for “Username PIN” under Account Settings.
- Select the “Set PIN” option and enter your desired PIN.
- Confirm the PIN and save the changes.
The WhatsApp Username PIN feature enhances user security by adding a layer of protection to usernames. It allows users to pin their usernames, making it harder for unwanted contacts to reach them.
This feature gives users better control over who can message them, providing peace of mind, and minimizing the risk of spam. It’s a valuable update for those seeking more privacy and personalization in their WhatsApp experience.